Payment terms

Checkout is a safe way to pay, as it is authorized by the finnish Finance Supervisory Authority. The service is provided by Checkout Finland Oy, company number 2196606-6 and the company is part of the OP Group. We transfer the payment to the online business owner. The online business or the seller is responsible for the delivery, and any complaints should be directed at them.

Available for international customers are Credit Card payments:

Visa-, Visa Debit-, Visa Electron-, MasterCard-, Debit MasterCard - and American Express -cards. Verified by Visa -, MasterCard SecureCode - and American Express SafeKey -services are available.

This is a safe method as there is a separate, protected payment form, and nothing is saved in the online store. On the credit card bill will be displayed Checkout Finland Oy as the receiver.

For payments with Paypal, please see their own website or service for their terms of use.